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Who is David

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An enthusiastic engineer and researcher minded person looking forward to work with brilliant people in solving the world’s toughest problems.

Hyperbolic by nature, I do not define myself by ego or status, and I’m not motivated by glory. I am, however, motivated by frustration which leads to a rage to fix what is broken, to do what is necessary, what no one is doing or willing to do.

I’ve long accepted my meaningless existence in the grand scheme of things as my time in this cosmos is merely residual, which is why I’m so keen to take this single opportunity I was granted and make the most out of it. Stay Optimistic, Make it Count.


Knowning owns values are critical for when push comes to shove, you aught to know what you stand for. These are some of the values that have guided me throughout many of my life choices:

  • One is always bigger than 0 (1 > 0) - Stasis leads to nowhere. The courage to act, even if only to take a small step, is essential in the journey to accomplish something great. It is incredible how far you can go just by taking one step at a time.

  • Two ears, one mouth - Seek to understand first and foremost.

  • Finish what you started - It is easy to get lost when you change course all the time. Finishing what I’ve started has enabled me to accomplish the vision I had at the beginning, but that got blurry through the journey. I had to believe in myself and continue pushing through the fog to not get lost.

  • You can be great, but you can't do your best work alone - Meritocracy tends to celebrate who did most of the work, but a cake is only a cake if you have 100% of the cake done, so, celebrate everyone that contributed and share success, even if they contributed a smaller part, it was still core to get to the 100% completion.

  • No complaining. Just solid execution, excitement, and sheer enthusiasm that powers through every obstacle.

  • Teach, be the mentor you wish you had - Helping others grow has been one of the most fulfilling roles in my life and it pays off dividends, I’ve lost the number of times in which a mentee echoed a value I taught them years back, at the right time, reminding me of what I need to do in my own challenge.

How did I get here

I consider myself to be one from many™ lucky bastards™ that found their opportunity to work with the most hard working and passionate people in humbling and encouraging endeavour such as LXJS, the Lisbon Javascript Conference and Startup Scholarship the first startup internship summer program in Portugal with a summer school and immersion program, and lately at Protocol Labs, pursuing the most inspiring and ambitious project I ever have been part off, upgrading the Web to make it work Distributed, Offline, Faster and more Secure. I’ve a MSc in Engineering with major in Peer-to-Peer Networks from Technical University of Lisbon.

Formal Training


  • B.Sc in Communication Networks
  • M.Sc with Major in Peer-to-Peer Networks, Cloud Computing and Mobile Applications

Fun academic projects

Research scholarships

  • 2014 | INESC-ID + FCT European Project, Synergy
  • 2012 | IST Researcher - Develop Productivity Courses for High School professors
  • 2011 | IST Math Department Researcher for Ops Infrastructure.


  • 2014 | PADI Open Water Scuba Diver by Haliotis
  • 2012 | Animator and Field Monitor for Teenager Vacation Camps by Run&Slide.
  • 2010 | Android 101 - GPS and Maps API by Opensoft Soluções Informáticas, Lda
  • 2010 | IEEE Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) by IEEE EAB
  • 2010 | Advanced Linux by NPGFC-IST


Computer Society

  • 2013 - 2014 | Computer Society Membership Development Coordinator for Region 8 (EMEA)


  • 2013 | IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) Electronic Communications Coordinator
  • 2013 | IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) madC (Mobile Application Development Competition) Advisor and Judge
  • 2012 - 2013 | IEEE-IST Chairperson
  • 2012 - 2013 | IEEE Portugal Section WebMaster
  • 2012 - 2013 | IEEE Computer Society Student Ambassador for Region 8 (EMEA)
  • 2013 | IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) Electronic Communications Coordinator
  • 2013 | IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) madC (Mobile Application Development Competition) Advisor and Judge


  • 2013 | Google DevFest Lisbon Organizer Founder and Curator
  • 2012 - 2013 | Google Student Ambassador for Europe

Classes taught

  • 2016 Distributed Web Applications with IPFS. Developed and delivered in Tutorial format 16th International Conference on Web Engineering
  • 2015 - 2017 Develop & Delivered a new Modern Web Development Course for the SISE program @ University of Lisbon Developed and Delivered
  • 2015 Browser P2P Applications with WebRTC @ FluentConf
  • 2014 & 2015 Developed and delivered Node.js and Web Application Development Security
  • 2012 Developed & Delivered High School 2.0 Program, a productivity focused course for high school professors developed while I was at University of Lisbon


  • Aug 2012 | Winner of Richard E. Merwin Award by IEEE Computer Society. For demonstrating outstanding involvement in IEEE Computer Society, for Academic Excellence and for Student Leadership.
  • Jul 2012 | 1st Place IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) Website Contest
  • Dec 2012 | 3rd Place IEEE Global Website Contest
  • Dec 2011 | 1st Place at Microsoft Windows Phone App Code Camp, Palmela, Portugal
  • Dec 2011 | 2nd Place with a honorable award at Google Case Competition on BET24H Entrepreneurial Competiton